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Customize the Home Page

STRUDEL generates a default home page in src/pages/index.tsx. In this section you will add some content, images, and links to the home page.

First, let's remove the contents of the existing home page. Replace the contents of src/pages/index.tsx with the following barebones component:

import { Container } from '@mui/material';
import { Layout } from '../components/Layout';

* Home page component
const HomePage: React.FC = () => {

return (
marginTop: 3,
marginBottom: 3,


export default HomePage;

Now, let's add a title. To add a title, use the Typography component from MUI. This is a general component for different variations of text. You can read more about the Typography component on the MUI Typography documentation page.

Add the Typography component to the '@mui/material' import:

import { Container, Typography } from '@mui/material';

Then add a Typography title component inside of the <Container> component:

marginTop: 3,
marginBottom: 3,
<Typography variant="h1">Planets of the Solar System</Typography>

The variant prop is used to specify the kind of text to display in the component. The h1 option stands for "Heading 1" and it's used for top-level page headings. If you look at the new title in the browser, you may notice that the default h1 size is quite large. Make it smaller by setting fontSize to 2rem.

<Typography variant="h1" fontSize="2rem">Planets of the Solar System</Typography>

That looks better. Now, let's add a description section underneath. For this section you are going to use two new components: Paper and Stack. These are both components from MUI. The Paper component is used to wrap content in an elevated panel and the Stack component is used to organize content in vertical or horizontal layouts with equal spacing. Learn detailed information about Paper and Stack in the MUI docs.

Here is the text to use for the description section (from Wikipedia):

The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it. The largest of these objects are the eight planets, which in order from the Sun are four terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars); two gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn); and two ice giants (Uranus and Neptune). The Solar System developed 4.6 billion years ago when a dense region of a molecular cloud collapsed, forming the Sun and a protoplanetary disc.

First add Paper to the '@material/ui' imports:

import { Container, Paper, Typography } from '@mui/material';

Then add a new Paper component underneath the title's Typography and embed a Typography component with the description text from above:

padding: 2
The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it. The largest of these objects are the eight planets, which in order from the Sun are four terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars); two gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn); and two ice giants (Uranus and Neptune). The Solar System developed 4.6 billion years ago when a dense region of a molecular cloud collapsed, forming the Sun and a protoplanetary disc.

Now create some space between the Paper and title Typography components by wrapping them in a Stack component. First add Stack to the '@material/ui' imports:

import { Container, Paper, Stack, Typography } from '@mui/material';

Then wrap both components inside of a Stack:

<Typography variant="h1" fontSize="2rem">Planets of the Solar System</Typography>
padding: 2
The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it. The largest of these objects are the eight planets, which in order from the Sun are four terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars); two gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn); and two ice giants (Uranus and Neptune). The Solar System developed 4.6 billion years ago when a dense region of a molecular cloud collapsed, forming the Sun and a protoplanetary disc.

That's looking pretty good!

Next Steps

In the last section you will find resources to continue building your app and learning the STRUDEL Tech Stack.