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Explore Data

Use this Task Flow

Before continuing, make sure you have followed the instructions to install the strudel-cli.

From the root of your app, run the following on the command line:

strudel add-taskflow my-taskflow --template explore-data

Generated Files

├── _components
│ ├── DataView.tsx
│ ├── DataViewHeader.tsx
│ ├── FiltersPanel.tsx
│ └── PreviewPanel.tsx
├── _config
│ ├── taskflow.config.ts
│ └── taskflow.types.ts
├── [id].tsx
├── _layout.tsx
└── index.tsx



URL Route: /
First page of the Explore Data Task Flow. Displays a data table, filters panel, and a data preview panel.


URL Route: /:id
Data detail page of the Explore Data Task Flow. When a user drills into a record in the data table, the detail page shows more data about the selected item.


This Task Flow can be configured from the taskflow.config.ts file in the _config directory of the generated template files.

import { ExploreDataConfig } from './taskflow.types';

export const taskflow: ExploreDataConfig = {
data: {
* Data definition for the initial items list
list: {
* URL or path to the data source
source: 'data/default/explore-data/exoplanets.csv',
* Key-value object of params that should always be included in the query URL
staticParams: null,
* Name of the field in the data that represents a unique identifier for each record.
idField: 'Id',
* Method by which data should be filtered, either client or server.
queryMode: 'client',
* Data definition for the item detail page
detail: {
source: 'data/default/explore-data/exoplanets.csv',
staticParams: null,
idField: 'Id',
queryMode: 'client',
pages: {
index: {
* Title to appear at the top of the main page.
title: 'Explore Data App',
* Text to appear underneath the title at the top of the main page.
description: 'Description of this app section',
* List of column definition objects for the columns in the table on the main page.
tableColumns: [
field: 'Planet Name',
headerName: 'Planet Name',
width: 200,
field: 'Planet Host',
headerName: 'Planet Host',
width: 200,
field: 'Discovery Method',
headerName: 'Discovery Method',
width: 200,
field: 'Orbital Period Days',
headerName: 'Orbital Period',
units: 'days',
type: 'number',
width: 200,
field: 'Mass',
headerName: 'Mass',
units: 'Earth Mass',
type: 'number',
width: 200,
field: 'Eccentricity',
headerName: 'Eccentricity',
type: 'number',
width: 200,
* List of filters to display on the main page and use to filter the main table data.
* Each filter has a definition object to determine how it renders and functions.
tableFilters: [
field: 'Discovery Method',
label: 'Discovery Method',
operator: 'contains-one-of',
filterComponent: 'CheckboxList',
filterProps: {
options: [
label: 'Astrometry',
value: 'Astrometry',
label: 'Disk Kinematics',
value: 'Disk Kinematics',
label: 'Eclipse Timing Variations',
value: 'Eclipse Timing Variations',
label: 'Imaging',
value: 'Imaging',
label: 'Microlensing',
value: 'Microlensing',
label: 'Radial Velocity',
value: 'Radial Velocity',
label: 'Transit',
value: 'Transit',
field: 'Mass',
label: 'Mass',
operator: 'between-inclusive',
filterComponent: 'RangeSlider',
filterProps: {
min: 0,
max: 10000,