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Command-Line Interface - Overview

The strudel-cli is a command-line tool for bootstrapping web applications based on the STRUDEL Design System.

⚠️ This library is in early-stage development. Check back soon for more updates!

How it Works

  1. Configure your app with a simple JSON configuration.
  2. Generate a base web app built with the STRUDEL stack and STRUDEL design system.
  3. Add task flows to your app using the STRUDEL task flow templates.
  4. Dive into the code and start customizing. After generating your app you are in full control.

The Stack

The strudel-cli generates your app using a pre-defined stack based on principles from the STRUDEL Design System.

User Quickstart


Node.js and NPM must be installed to run the web applications you generate with strudel-cli. To check if you already have Node.js and NPM installed, open a terminal and run:

node --version
npm --version

If both commands return a version number, you should be good to go. If not, you can download both tools together here:

Get Started

Install the STRUDEL CLI tool:

pip install strudel-cli

Create a config file based on the create-app config json:


"name": "my-strudel-app",
"appTitle": "My Science App"

Create a base app:

strudel create-app --config my-app-config.json

Create a config file for a new task flow based on one of the config examples:


"name": "my-taskflow",
"template": "compare-data",
"compareItem": "scenario",
"compareItemPlural": "scenarios",
"mainPageTitle": "Compare Data App",
"mainPageDescription": "Description of this app section",
"newItemPageTitle": "Compare Data App",
"newItemPageDescription": "Description of this app section",
"comparePageDescription": "Description of this app section"

Go to the root directory of your new app:

cd my-app

Add the task flow to your app:

strudel add-taskflow --config ../my-taskflow-config.json

Install dependencies and start your app.

npm install
npm start

Open http://localhost:3000 to view the app in the browser.

Didn't work? Make sure you have installed NPM and Node.JS.

Developer Quickstart


Clone the strudel-kit repo:

git clone

Navigate to the strudel-cli package of the strudel-kit repo:

cd strudel-kit/strudel-cli

(Recommended) Create a new conda environment or venv with python 3.9.6+ and activate it:

conda create strudel-env python=3.9
conda activate strudel-env

Install the package in editable mode:

pip install -e .

Run the strudel commands:

strudel create-app <app-name> [OPTIONS]


From the strudel-cli directory, run:


All the tests live in strudel-cli/tests


1. Authenticate with PyPi

In order to publish, you will have to authenticate with pypi and your account must have permission to administer the strudel-cli package on pypi.

2. Build a distrubtable package

rm -rf dist/* && python -m build

This will generate .whl and .tar.gz files in the dist/ folder.

3. Upload to (Test)PyPi

python -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*