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Contributing to STRUDEL

STRUDEL is a way to plan, design, and build usable scientific software. STRUDEL will be a better tool if it is anchored in community needs and insights, so your engagement and contributions are very valuable. We recommend you get involved with STRUDEL through one of the activities listed below and elaborated on elsewhere in this guide. If you have another idea of how you can support that mission, we encourage you to pursue it. Contributions come in all shapes and sizes and we value them all. Let us know if you need help.

Some ways to get involved:

You can read the complete contribution guide here.

Questions? Ideas? Looking to stay up to date?

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STRUDEL is an effort of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Scientific Data (SciData) Division UX team.
The project is generously funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Liz Vu & Josh Greenberg Program Officers, grants #10074 and #10572